Dominik Stammbach

Dominik Stammbach

Department: Center for Information Technology Policy
Faculty Adviser: Peter Henderson
Year of Study:
Undergraduate School: University of Zurich
Undergraduate Major: Computational Linguistics

Personal Bio

I just started a postdoctoral research fellowship and I am working on applied natural language processing. I am from Switzerland and did my PhD at ETH Zurich where I graduated this Summer. I just moved to the US in early September, so I am still in the process of exploring Princeton and the US.

Fun Fact

chatGPT says I'd be kale -- not sure what to make of that.

Research Pitch

I work on applied natural language processing (NLP) to make law more accessible and to increase access to justice. Some of my projects involve (1) generating accessible summaries of Supreme Court opinions, and (2) work on legal search and finding relevant precedents. This is a time-consuming task in legal practice, and if to some extent automated, might drive down costs of legal services and increase access to justice.
I work with recent developments in NLP, such as large language models, GPT-4, new search algorithms and lots of machine learning. At the end of the day, my research is mostly about training deep neural networks on some task, and hope things work well (which they often do not).

Upcoming Programs That I Am Attending:

Plans for Summer 2025

Interested in participating in Summer 2025 ReMatch+ program.