Jiyoung Kang

Jiyoung Kang

Department: Molecular Biology
Faculty Adviser: Danelle Devenport and Ricardo Mallarino
Year of Study: G2
Undergraduate School: Yale
Undergraduate Major: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Personal Bio

My name is Jiyoung and I'm a second year grad student in the Devenport and Mallarino lab. I grew up in Korea and moved to the States in ninth grade. In college I wasn't sure about what I wanted to do, and explored a bunch of different areas of study. I did some undergrad research for my major, but only made up my mind about grad school after I tried research full-time after graduating! Currently I'm into crocheting, doing puzzles, and petting dogs in my free time.

Fun Fact

My lab is doing a murder mystery party this weekend and I'm very excited.

Research Pitch

I'm interested in how embryos develop to become whole organisms, and how cells behave throughout the process. I'm studying the behavior and differentiation of cells called melanocytes, which make melanin that pigments our skin. In additional to traditional lab mouse, I also study a super cool organism called the African striped mouse!

Upcoming Programs That I Am Attending:

Plans for Summer 2025

Interested in participating in Summer 2025 ReMatch+ program.