Joy Zheng

Joy Zheng

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty Adviser: Sanfeng Wu
Year of Study: G3
Undergraduate School: Brown University
Undergraduate Major: Physics & Computer Science

Personal Bio

Hi! My name is Joy and I was born and raised in Beijing, China. I studied physics and computer science at Brown University. I have done research in different physics fields as well as internships in software engineering back in college. Currently, I am a third-year graduate student in ECE pursuing experimental condensed matter research. Outside of school, I love running, swimming, DJing, and traveling.

Fun Fact

I love Norwegian rap!

Research Pitch

Our lab is an experimental condensed matter physics group and we are interested in studying novel quantum phenomena in 2D materials. In particular, we are interested in a 2D material called WTe2, which can behave like a superconductor or a topological insulator. We employ a wide range of experimental techniques, such as thin film exfoliation, lithography, transport measurements, and dilution fridge operations. Discovering novel quantum physics would enable us to manipulate energy and information at quantum level.

Upcoming Programs That I Am Attending:

Plans for Summer 2025

Interested in participating in Summer 2025 ReMatch+ program.